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Getting started with 1000minds

Learn how to create a new project, decision, or survey, what the difference is between a decision and survey, how to delete & restore deleted items, and how to view our many examples to help you discover the plethora of applications for 1000minds.

Getting started with 1000minds

Configuring your 1000minds decision

Learn how to configure your 1000minds decision, what the different criterion weighing methods are that 1000minds uses, and how to set your terminology.

Configuring your 1000minds decision

Specifying your criteria

Learn what criteria are, and how to add criteria and levels to your 1000minds decision.

Specifying your criteria

Adding costs and other considerations

Your costs and other considerations are anything that isn't a benefit when it comes to your alternatives. For example, you might think about monetary costs, number of staff required, categories, or even arbitrary information such as contact informati

Adding costs and other considerations

Adding impossible combinations

Impossible combinations are combinations of levels on the attributes to be excluded at the trade-offs page to avoid confusion. Specifying impossible combinations removes those combinations from the trade-offs and spares you from having to think about

Adding impossible combinations

How to add alternatives

Your alternatives are the different options you are choosing between when making a decision - e.g. houses to buy, projects to allocate staff to, etc. Here, we will look at how to add alternatives and edit the alternatives table.

How to add alternatives

How to import alternatives from an Excel file

Learn how to import alternatives from an Excel file into 1000minds. This allows you to conveniently use the 1000minds software with an existing dataset, without having to enter each alternative manually.

How to import alternatives from an Excel file

How to make & review trade-offs

By making a series of trade-offs, 1000minds can help you determine the relative importance of each of your criteria. The simplest decision is one where there are only two choices, and that is what 1000minds does by asking you: “Which of these 2 alter

How to make & review trade-offs

Using the voting feature

If you want to make a decision together as a group, you can easily gather everyone’s input using the voting feature. This encourages discussion and allows participants to better understand each other’s views.

Using the voting feature

How to interpret your results

The results section in 1000minds provides you several different ways to view your results, including examining the preference values of your criteria, comparing your ranked alternatives, and factoring in costs and other considerations on a value for

How to interpret your results

Analyzing your preference values

Discover more about your preferences and learn how to better understand the preference values of your criteria and their levels.

Analyzing your preference values

How to compare and analyze your ranked alternatives

In this 1000minds tutorial, learn how to compare a subset of your ranked alternatives, understand why they scored the way they did, and think about how a slightly different performance or categorization in a criterion would affect your alternative's

How to compare and analyze your ranked alternatives

How to use the value-for-money chart

The 1000minds value-for-money chart is a simple but effective tool to help you find the best value for your money when deciding between different alternatives. The chart allows you to factor any costs and other considerations into your decision.

How to use the value-for-money chart

How to select the best alternative

Learn how to use the 1000minds value-for-money chart and alternative selection table to factor in costs, other considerations, and a budget to effectively make your best decisions.

How to select the best alternative

Scaling scores: what is it and how do you do it?

In this 1000minds video tutorial, learn why it matters to scale your scores and how to do it for your next decision. By scaling scores, you can set the minimum possible score of your alternatives to a value other than zero.

Scaling scores: what is it and how do you do it?

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