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Conjoint analysis, DCE and decision-making software

Valid and reliable research methods

1000minds is used for research and teaching at leading universities and research organizations worldwide.

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A statue: standing on the shoulders of giants.

A trusted partner for the world’s most ambitious decision-makers

  • Harvard University
  • University of Melbourne
  • Danish Technological Institute
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
  • University College London

1000minds applications

Academics, researchers and students need powerful and user-friendly tools for their research projects, teaching and learning. 1000minds is used for a myriad of research projects and teaching around the world, and to help research administrators decide which projects should be supported.

Scientific methods and processes that deliver meaningful results

  1. 1. Create Start with one of our examples, or build your own model from scratch.
  2. 2. Tailor Fine-tune and refine your model by following a simple step-by-step process.
  3. 3. Run Work as a single decision-maker, together as a group or survey as many people as you like.
  4. 4. Results Understand and apply your results using a variety of graphical and analytical tools.

Collaboration from around the globe.


1000minds is used for an amazing variety of research applications worldwide

1000minds is a powerful research tool. 1000minds supports academics and students with academic pricing for their research projects (big and small). In special cases, 1000minds academic awards are available.

More than 1300 research projects at 750+ universities and other research organizations have been completed or are underway worldwide, including 370+ peer-reviewed publications, conference papers, undergraduate and post-graduate degrees and other student projects.

Research using 1000minds

A teacher highlighting series on a chart.


As well as research, 1000minds is widely used for teaching

1000minds is used for teaching students in various disciplines in many universities worldwide. Students say that having their own 1000minds login and getting to use 1000minds themselves – e.g. class project – is both empowering and fun.

The skills students develop while learning about Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) or conjoint analysis are very useful, both professionally and personally. Life is all about making decisions involving trade-offs!

A researcher with a magnifying glass and documents.

Research decision-making

Make research decisions fairly and transparently

Researchers use 1000minds to prioritize research proposals for funding. Research budgets can be allocated across competing research funding applications in favor of ones representing the best value for money.

1000minds is also used for targeting research questions or topics for investigation, e.g. the most innovative or with the greatest impact. 1000minds’ user-friendly processes enable a potentially wide range of stakeholders to be engaged with fairly and transparently.

Research prioritization success story


“1000minds provides an elegant, efficient and transparent way of reaching decisions about ‘wicked problems’ like sustainability that are contested by multiple ‘layers and players’ that all want their say.”

Dr Henrik Moller – Dr Henrik Moller

Applying for grants

Include 1000minds in your grant funding applications

Many research projects involving 1000minds are funded from research grants (of various sizes: small, medium, large and huge!).

1000minds supports academics and students with academic pricing for their research projects, for which it’s easy to include 1000minds as a “line item” in funding application budgets. If you are applying for a grant, we are happy to help you by providing quotes and any other relevant information that might be useful.

Academic pricing

1000minds scholarships

1000minds offers two US$2000 scholarships each year

The scholarships are for two post-graduate students – e.g. Masters or PhD – enrolled at any university in the world. One scholarship is for a project in which decision-making is central to the research, and the other is for a project about or involving the use of conjoint analysis, choice modeling or a discrete choice experiment (DCE).

This support – including use of 1000minds, if desired – is part of 1000minds’ ongoing commitment to supporting research by students and academics.

Learn more about our scholarships

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