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Research projects

These 1300+ academic outputs are about applications of 1000minds in a wide variety of areas from across 750+ universities and other research organizations – including 370+ peer-reviewed publications, conference papers, post-grad degrees and student projects.

Have we missed your project? Your work might inspire others! Send us your details


Aalborg University

Aalto University

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University

AgriBio, Centre for AgriBioscience

Alagappa University

Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust Hospital

Alfred Hospital

Allameh Tabataba'i University

  • H Farzani, “Multi-index performance ranking model of banks and credit institutions in Iran”, PhD (Accounting) thesis, 2019-20

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

American University of Beirut

Antwerp Management School

  • J Geldtmeijer, “IT portfollio of the Dutch Customs prioritized on a decision-making model”, Master of Science Education thesis, 2015-

Ariel University

Armenian State University of Economics

  • S Hambaryan, “Functionalities of 1000minds as a Decision Support System”, Masters (Management Information Systems), 2017

  • E Aghababyan, “Supply chain management systems“, Master of E-Business thesis, 2015

Ateneo de Davao University

Athena Infonomics India

Auckland District Health Board

Australian and New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trials Network

Australian National University


Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Berlin Institute of Technology

Bioversity International

Boston University

BRAC University

  • M Ahmed, “Comparative analysis of the eCommerce ecosystem in high population density markets: examining market dynamics and stakeholder behavior in Bangladesh”, Bachelor of Business Administration project, 2024

Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets

  • C Terra, “Pooled analysis of relevant attributes for online fashion shopping”, Masters thesis (Marketing), 2015-16

Brook Lyndhurst

  • J Bain, J Cox, G King & G Williams, “Priorities of large businesses and the public sector for second hand EEE and textiles”, research project, 2014

Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

  • A Popa, “The efficiency of Integrated Marketing Communication programs for FMCG”, PhD thesis, 2014

Budapest University of Technology & Economics

  • D Bella, “The effects of telework on job productivity considering task preferences of employees”, MA (Psychology) thesis, 2015-


Cairo University

Canterbury District Health Board

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest


Charité – Berlin University of Medicine

  • L Denkel, C Hackman & M Friederike, “Prioritising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) interventions in low and middle Income country settings”, Context-driven Infection Control Interventions (Code-ICI) project, 2022

Charles Sturt University

  • D McGill, H Mulder, P Thomson & J Lievaart, “Deriving breeding objectives for Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan – assessing the difference in perspectives of farmers, breeders and advisors”, 2013

College of Advanced Management Studies

  • E Renneberg, “Consumer preferences for wine attributes in Colombia”, Masters in Marketing Direction thesis, 2018-19

Concordia University

Corvinus University of Budapest

  • A Beregszászi, “Future changes in Hungarian cigarette brand equity”, BA (Marketing) thesis, 2016

Cranfield University

  • S Osinowo, “Topsides and pipeline facilities decommissioning”, MSc Offshore & Ocean Technology with Subsea Engineering thesis, 2015

  • M Yahaya, “Risk evaluation of oil pillage in offshore energy”, MSc (Offshore & Ocean Technology with Subsea Engineering) thesis, 2015

CSIRO Agriculture and Food

CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences


De Montfort University

  • S Schlick, “Linking competitor intelligence with Strategic Decision-Making (SDM) through Decision Support Systems (DSS)”, PhD thesis, 2011-

Deakin University

Delft University of Technology

  • R Pelgrim, “Methodology to determine the intersection layout by traffic safety and throughput”, MSc (Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics) thesis, 2020

Dokuz Eylül University

  • B Özbent, E İlhan & O Kaya, “Exploring the PAPRIKA method in light of conjoint data collection approaches”, MSc (Industrial Engineering) project, 2014

  • S Gezmen, “Evaluation of e-commerce websites with multiple criteria via hierarchical conjoint analysis”, BSc (Industrial Engineering) project, 2014

Dublin Institute of Technology

  • L Lee, “Creating a field GIS to survey derelict sites and dangerous structures”, MSc thesis, 2017

Dunedin City Council

  • A Christofferson, “Housing choice in Dunedin”, City Planning, District Plan Monitoring Series, Research Report 2007/1, Dunedin City Council, 2007


Eastern Virginia Medical School

  • N Heitkamp, T Bono, S Mathur & P Mendez, “The impact of social media on decision-making during pediatric residency recruitment”, 2021

Edinburgh Napier University

Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology

  • Y Elkhayat, “A feasibility study of high-performance facades for office buildings in the new administrative capital of Egypt”, PhD thesis, 2017-20

  • A Elkhelaly, “Sustainable reuse of agricultural drainage water in irrigation”, PhD thesis, 2015


Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • N Braun, “Matrix4value decision support tool for competition health technologies in the Elisabeth Hospital of Tilburg”, MSc (Health Economics, Policy and Law) thesis, 2016

ESCP Business School

  • G Petito, “Valuation of holiday trip composition according to number of cities visited, activities and housing type”, MSc (International Sales Management) project, 2020

Eskişehir Technical University

  • A Baydar, “Vendor selection methods”, Masters dissertation, 2020

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)


Faculty of Information Studies, Novo Mesto

  • A Stipeč & B Boshkoska (2021), “Comparison of AHP, PAPRICA, PROMETHEE, DEX and TOPSIS on an application for employee selection”, International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, Loughborough, United Kingdom, In: U Jayawickrama, P Delias, M Escobar & J Papathanasiou (editors), Decision Support Systems XI: Decision Support Systems, Analytics and Technologies in Response to Global Crisis Management, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 414, 44-54

    In collaboration with:
    Institute Jožef Stefan

Federal University of Amazonas

  • JC Magnani, “Modeling of the preferences of bus users in Manaus using stated-preference techniques”, Graduate degree in Traffic Engineering thesis, 2016

Federal University of Pará

  • P Palitot, “Decision model to choose the ideal vessel for passenger transportation in Amazonia”, Masters in Naval Engineering, 2017-

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

  • R Souza, “Sustainability assessment for Multicriteria prioritisation of e-waste management options in Brazil”, research project, 2015-

    In collaboration with:
    Sao Paulo State University

Federico Santa María Technical University

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

  • E Shahnaz, “Prioritization of renewable energy resources using developed multi-criteria decision-making algorithms (PAPRIKA and PAMSSEM methods)”, Masters of Industrial Engineering, 2023-

Finnish Environment Institute

Flip the Fleet

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management

  • A Knecht, “Investigating consumers‘ purchase decision factors for electric cars using multivariate conjoint analysis”, Masters thesis (Business Psychology), 2016

Foreign Trade University

Freiburg University

Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena

Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Business Administration of São Paulo


Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM)

Georges Pompidou European Hospital

Goethe University Frankfurt

  • T Degenhardt, J Schröder, E Marcillat & L Goerigk, “Improvement of decision making in industrial procurement and sales processes”, MBA Global Consulting Project, 2011

Griffith University

Guru Nanak Dev University


Hackensack University Medical Center

Harbin Medical University

  • Y Mei, S Guan, H Zhang, D Hunter, Z Zhang (2018), “Priorities for osteoarthritis research should be done in China”, abstract, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(suppl 2), 1613

    In collaboration with:
    University of Sydney

  • Y Mei, S Guan, H Zhang et al (2018), “Priorities for osteoarthritis research in China”, abstract, 2018 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, Liverpool, UK, 2018, Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 26(suppl 1), S220

    In collaboration with:
    University of Sydney

  • S Guan, “Developing strategic priorities in proceedings and recommendations of Chinese osteoarthritis research”, MSc thesis, 2016

Hasselt University

  • J Moll, “Customer preferences of video on demand users in Germany”, MSc (Management-International Marketing Strategy) thesis, 2016

Hawke’s Bay District Health Board

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

HEC Paris

  • N Boellens, L Calvo, A Rublev & A Valluri, “Curate: A fashion tech company transforming people’s choices to pave the way for a sustainable fashion industry”, MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship project, 2022

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center

Ho Chi Minh City University of Science

  • NN Lam, “Recommender systems and data mining with weighting methods”, research project, 2015

Hochschule Worms, University of Applied Sciences

  • C Braun, “Marketing with voice assistants. An investigation of the tone of voice using the example of low involvement and high involvement products”, Masters in International Management thesis, 2021

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

  • C Labianca, S De Gisi & M Notarnicola (2022), “Multi-criteria decision-making”, In: Assessing Progress Towards Sustainability, Elsevier, 219-243

    In collaboration with:
    Polytechnic University of Bari

Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

  • J Antón & L Carmona, “Definition of a profile for safe and effective down-titration of biologics in children with rheumatic diseases”, 2017

    In collaboration with:
    Instituto de Salud Musculoesquelética, Spanish Society of Paediatric Rheumatology

Hospital Universitario La Paz

Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti

HTW Berlin – Berlin University of Applied Sciences

  • T Sauermann, “Product specification of plant-based supplements for an improved market entry into China”, Bachelor of Arts in Digital Business thesis, 2020

  • S Patwardhan, “Analyzing manufacturing excellence goals vs. current state of Indian auto component manufacturers to identify adoption sequence of MESA specified manufacturing execution capabilities”, Master of Business Administration and Engineering (Automotive Management) thesis, 2016


Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode

  • A Chouhan, “Decision-making using IT and some decision-making tools”, MBA presentation, 2014

Indian Institute of Management Raipur

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

  • V Bhagyawant, Masters (Dual Degree Project), “A precision weeding robot for agriculture”, 2023

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

  • M Gupta, J Madaan & H Kumar (2018), “Adopting sustainable manufacturing: the case of Indian SMEs in electronics manufacturing industries”,

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Indraprasta PGRI University

  • R Taviyanto, “Analysis of consumer attitudes and preferences towards coffee beverage products in Jakarta”, Bachelor thesis, 2023

Institute of Forestry, Serbia

  • N Momirović, “Torrential floods risk assessment”, PhD (Forestry) thesis, 2024-

Institute of Rheumatology

Instituto Politécnico Nacional

International Academy of Health Preference Research

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture

International Potato Center

International School of Management Excellence

  • S Shyam Prasad, research project, “Digital divide in India and its impact”, 2023-24

Iowa State University

Iran University of Science and Technology

  • N Amini, PhD (Architecture and Environmental Design) thesis, “Women’s spatial rights to everyday landscapes”, 2021-25

Istanbul Technical University

  • F Bolat, “Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of network analysis of ship movements in Istanbul”, research project, 2018-19

Istituto Giannina Gaslini


Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeswara University

  • N George, “Hospital-based HTA assessment of drugs and medical devices in cardiology”, PhD, 2017-

Jaypee Institute of Information Technology

Johne’s Management Ltd

Joseph M Sanzari Children’s Hospital

  • S Li, C Rabinovich, M Becker et al (2023), “Capturing the range of disease involvement in localized scleroderma: The Localized scleroderma Total Severity Scale (LoTSS)”, Arthritis Care & Research 76, 616-26

    In collaboration with:
    Baylor College of Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Children's Mercy Hospital, Colorado Children's Hospital, Duke University, Hackensack Meridian Health, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Ohio State University, Stevens Institute of Technology, Texas Children's Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Colorado, University of Iowa, University of Pittsburgh, University of Toronto

  • S Li, M Becker, F Dedeoglu et al, “Developing a Localized Scleroderma Damage measure: Identifying the values for different morbidities”, research project, 2013-14


K. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University

Karunya University

Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization

Kiev Polytechnic Institute

  • V Protsko, “Possibilities of bio fuel use to increase energy efficiency level at small and medium agricultural enterprises of Ukraine”, MSc, 2014

King Abdulaziz University

Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology

Kōtātā Insight

  • C Carter, M Frieling & C Smith, “Estimating the value of culture”, research project, 2019-20

Kristiania University College

  • A Blaaflat, “When the talk is easy but the walk is hard: An empirical study of the attitude-bahavior gap in social responsible consumerism and the moderation of social desirability bias”, PhD thesis, 2019-

KU Leuven

  • A Mahmoudian, S Lohmander, M Englund, P Hansen, F Luyten & International Early-stage Knee OA Classification Criteria Expert Panel (2021), “Lack of agreement in experts’ classification of patients with early-stage knee osteoarthritis”, abstract, 2021 OARSI Virtual World Congress on Osteoarthritis: OARSI Connect ‘21, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 29, S299-S300

    In collaboration with:
    Lund University

  • E Derache, “Introducing cobots in a manual assembly process”, MSc in Mechanical Engineering thesis, 2017

Kumari Mayawati Government Girls Degree College

  • R Jain, “Trade-off between cost and resilience: A Multi-Objective Hybrid Approach”, research project, 2013


Latin American Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry (FIFARMA)

Laurentian University

  • A Boulay, “Evaluation of a team or collaborative Human-Computer Interface for 3D virtual reality and online multi-player systems”, MSc (Computational Sciences), 2015

  • G Crozier & A Schulte-Hostedde (2014), “Towards improving the ethics of ecological research”, Science and Engineering Ethics, 1-18

Leeds Biomedical Research Centre

  • G Wells, F Guillemin, P Merkel et al (2024), “Advancing composite outcome measures: insights on weighting components from OMERACT 2023”, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 152503

    In collaboration with:
    Bruyère Research Institute, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Landspítali – The National University Hospital of Iceland, Leeds Biomedical Research Centre, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University of Iceland, University of Leeds, University of Lorraine, University of Pennsylvania, University of Sydney, University of Toronto

Liberty University

  • C McGrady, J Guagliardi & J Kim, “Liberty University Standardized Decision-Making Process”, senior capstone project, 2019

Lincoln University

Linnaeus University

  • M Jalili, “Analyze Mobile Device Management Criteria”, BSc thesis, 2014

London School of Economics

  • J Candeto, “What kind of SmartMob? A strategic MCDA approach to selecting software features for a Knowledge Management and Decision Support System”, MSc (Management Science) dissertation, 2012

Lyceum of the Philippines University

  • S Andin, “Managing the waiting time: A new method of prioritisation of elective valve surgery patients at the Philippine Heart Centre”, Master of Public Administration thesis, 2015


Makerere University

Manipal University

  • R Biswas, “Generation difference in hotel choice during leisure travel”, Masters dissertation, 2022-23

Masaryk University

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massey University

Medical Research Institute of New Zealand

Medical University of Vienna

  • M Loiskandl, “Patient preferences regarding de-escalation of treatment with biologics in rheumatoid arthritis”, PhD thesis, 2019-

  • D Aletaha (2015), “Classification of rheumatoid arthritis”, pp. 3-21, In: P Emery (editor), Atlas of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Springer

Medical University of Warsaw

  • M Damentko, “E-prescribing in Polish health care system from patients’ and pharmacists’ perspectives”, MSc (Health Technology Assessment) thesis, 2021

Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • R Audas, “Valuing the Rule of Rescue”, research project, 2014-

MICA (Institute of Strategic Marketing and Communication)

  • A Dhawan and Team Curious Analysts, “Case study into the launch of Indomie noodles by Tolaram Group in India”, MBA Marketing Research project, 2017

  • R Haldipur, “Conjoint analysis to support the launch of an instant noodle brand”, MBA Marketing Research project, 2017

Mid Sweden University

Middlemore Hospital

Military University Bulgaria

Mindanao State University

  • C Ansino, “Adaptive Conjoint Analysis in eliciting preferences”, research project, BSc, 2017

Monash University


Nancy University Hospital

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)

National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest

National Institute for Transportation and Communities

National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)

  • P Ounkusolpakdee, “Factors influencing the decision to purchase air conditioner of working consumers in Bangkok”, MSc (Management of Analytics and Data Technologies), 2023-

National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

National Technical University of Athens

National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Kyiv Politechnic Institute’

  • H Pereverzieva, “Justification of the device’s parameters for the hydraulic hammer resonant adaptation”, Masters in Electromechanics, 2016

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER)

New Zealand Ministry of Health

  • P Hansen, A Hendry, R Naden, F Ombler & R Stewart (2012), “A new process for creating points systems for prioritising patients for elective health services”, Clinical Governance: An International Journal 17, 200-9

  • R Naden, A Barber, R Paterson et al, “Assigning clinical priority: A systematic methodology”, 6th International Conference on Priorities in Health Care, Toronto, Canada, 2006

    In collaboration with:
    Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, New Zealand Health & Disability Commission, New Zealand Orthopaedic Association, New Zealand Vascular Society, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology

  • A Barber, F Doolan Noble, R Stewart, G Wilkins, R Naden & D North, “Prioritisation for coronary artery bypass surgery: Can the process be improved?”, 5th International Conference on Priorities in Health Care, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004

NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences

  • V Jakshtane, “To go or not to go? How restaurant attributes mentioned in online reviews influence on restaurant choice and visiting motivation”, 2017

NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre

  • L Bissell, D Furst, F Del Galdo et al on behalf of Linear Criss (2022), “The development of the linear CRISS; a clinical and patient meaningful anchor to the ACR-CRISS in scleroderma”, abstract, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2022, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 81(suppl1), 728

    In collaboration with:
    University Health Network & Sinai Health Systems, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Leeds, University of Michigan, University of Otago, University of Toronto, World Scleroderma Foundation

Normandy University

North Carolina A&T State University

North Carolina State University

  • C Reeb, “Employing life cycle environmental, supply chain logistics, and financial modelling and weighted outranking techniques for multi-criteria decision making and to predict the feasibility of various biomass-to-biomaterial industries”, PhD (Biomaterials Science & Engineering) thesis, 2014-

Northeastern University

Northumbria University

  • PJ Morton, “Resilience rating of Virtual City Models: Future proofing against obsolescence”, PhD thesis, 2012-

Nova School of Business and Economics


Office of Health Economics

Old Dominion University

Ondokuz Mayıs University

  • O Yapıcı, “Popularity of Samsun’s Destinations”, research project, 2015

Opus Central Laboratories

  • A Harding, “Anticipating future urban forms with restricted transport fuel availability: Location preferences of out-of-centre businesses in the Wellington region”, Working Paper, 2012

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

  • J Au, A Coleman, P Hansen & C Smith, “Using a stated preferences approach: The shadow price of health and unemployment”, 2016

Otago Polytechnic


Paderborn University

  • M Riechmann, “What to tackle first? – A prioritization framework of process mining use cases in accounts payable”, MSc (Management Information Systems) thesis, 2021

Paris-Saclay University

  • C Serrano, “3D printing of medical devices used in surgery: what recommendations for the development of a medical and economic evaluation model?”, PhD (Health Law and Economics) thesis, 2016-20

Pennsylvania State University

  • A Ramesh, “Supplier performance evaluation framework”, MEng (Industrial Engineering) research project, 2015

Pepperdine University

  • D Loebsack, “Consulting the OD consultants: Common perspectives on organizational transformation”, Masters thesis, 2014

Petroleum University of Technology

Politehnica University of Bucharest

Polytechnic of Rijeka

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

  • M Espinoza, R Rojas & H de Patiño (2018), “Knowledge translation in practice: Exploring the potential use of MCDA in Central America and the Caribbean”, Value in Health Regional Issues 17, 148-9

    In collaboration with:
    University of Panama

  • M Espinoza & R Rojas, “Multicriteria decision analysis: A tool for decision-makers in health care”, 1st Health Care Decision Maker Summit, Panama City, Panama, 2017

  • A Aguayo, “Assessment of health professionals’ willingness to pay for attributes of a master in health administration, measured through a discrete choice experiment”, Master of Health Administration thesis, 2015

Prague University of Economics and Business

  • K Andrýsková, “Which attributes drive Generation Z consumers to participate in loyalty programs?”, Bachelor thesis, 2022-23

  • A Vesela, “The consumers’ behavior when acquiring a dog”, Masters (Management) thesis, 2021-22

Prince of Songkla University

Princess Sumaya University for Technology

  • D Masri, W Assa’d & H Shabrouq, “Vertical Handover Decision Algorithm for 4G networks”, BSc, Telecommunications Engineering project, 2011


Queen's University Belfast

Queen’s University

Queensland Department of Health

Queensland University of Technology

  • J Powers, J McGree, D Grieve et al (2023), “Managing surgical waiting lists through dynamic priority scoring”, Health Care Management Science, 1-25

    In collaboration with:
    Griffith University, Sunshine Coast University Hospital

  • J Powers, “Optimisation of surgical waiting list management”, PhD (Operations Research) thesis, 2022- 


Radboud University Nijmegen

  • F van den Hoogen, “New classification criteria: Why, rules and presentation of new criteria”, ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting 13, San Diego, USA, 2013

  • S Zelle & E Leon, “Priority setting for breast cancer control strategies in Colombia”, 2012-

    In collaboration with:
    Universidad del Rosario

Rajagiri Business School

Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Resilient Organisations

Riga Technical University

RK University

RMIT University

Royal Society of New Zealand

RWTH Aachen University

  • A Lechner, “Vorstellung des Decision Support System 1000minds mit zugrundeliegender Theorie und kritscher Überprüfung” (“Conception of Decision Support System 1000minds with an introduction to its fundamental theory and a critical examination”), BCompSci project, 2017


Sanigest Internacional

  • J Cercone, “Redesign of the Explicit Benefits Plan: The Dominican Republic experience”, 2016

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology

  • R Dhaniareza, “An application of ranking of multi criteria using the PAPRIKA method for selection and recruitment (case study: PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali)”, 2011

Shanghai University of Engineering Science

Shiraz University

Sint Maartens Clinic

SMC University

Southern District Health Board

Sultan Qaboos University

  • A Alshaqsi, “Toward smart grid transformation”, MSc (Engineering) thesis, 2015

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • K Kons, D Bergström, B Blagojević et al, “Current and future bio-based industrial raw material demand and supply”, research project, 2021

    In collaboration with:
    University of Novi Sad

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa)

  • S Mueller, “Mining anthropogenic and geological deposits: Evaluating the accessibility of raw materials from end of life products and the earth’s crust under sustainability considerations”, PhD thesis, 2016-

    In collaboration with:
    University of Southampton

Syreon Research Institute


Technical University of Berlin

Technical University of Cologne

  • J Beer, “Investigating the success factors of subscription-based music streaming services among 15-25 year-olds – A conjoint analysis study”, Bachelor thesis, 2019-20

Technical University of Sofia

  • I Ivanov, “Creating a web application that helps students choose a university after high school based on multiple criteria”, graduation project, BSc, 2014

Temperate Agriculture Research Network

  • E de Olde, H Moller, F Marchand et al (2017), “When experts disagree: The need to rethink indicator selection for assessing sustainability of agriculture”, Environment, Development and Sustainability 19, 1327–42

    In collaboration with:
    New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard Project

  • E de Olde, H Moller, F Marchand et al, “Selecting indicators for assessing the sustainability of agriculture: Importance of context specificity, plurality and flexibility”, 2015

    In collaboration with:
    New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard Project

  • H Moller, “Sustainability indicator selection criteria: A ranking survey by TempAg and New Sustainability Dashboard members”, Research Note, 2015

    In collaboration with:
    New Zealand Sustainability Dashboard Project

The Open University

  • C Perera, “Understand users’ privacy preferences and priorities in Internet of Things”, research project, 2015-

Tübingen University Hospital

  • J Kuemmerle-Deschner, S Ozen, P Tyrell et al (2018), “Diagnosing cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS)

    In collaboration with:
    Bicêtre Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, German Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University, Istituto Giannina Gaslini, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, University College London, University Medical Centre Utrecht, University of Calgary, University of California, San Diego, University of Siena, University of Toronto

  • J Kuemmerle-Deschner, S Ozen, P Tyrrell et al (2017), “Diagnostic criteria for cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS)”, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 76, 942-77

    In collaboration with:
    Bicêtre Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, German Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology, Hacettepe University, Harvard University, Istanbul University, Istituto Giannina Gaslini, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, University College London, University Medical Centre Utrecht, University of Calgary, University of California, San Diego, University of Siena, University of Toronto

  • J Kuemmerle-Deschner, S Ozen, P Tyrrell et al (2015), “Development and validation of diagnostic criteria for cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes”, abstract, 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2015, Arthritis & Rheumatology 67(suppl10)

    In collaboration with:
    Bicêtre Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, Charité – Berlin University of Medicine, German Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology, Hacettepe University, Istanbul University, Istituto Giannina Gaslini, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), Universitaetskinderklinik Hamburg, University College London, University Medical Centre Utrecht, University of Calgary, University of California, San Diego, University of Heidelberg, University of Toronto

Tufts University

  • C Cummings, “Development of a zoological anesthesia score and wildlife triage score to understand risk and inform treatment decisions in zoological medicine”, MS (Clinical and Translational Science) project, 2020-22


United States International University – Africa

  • E Njau, “Information system recommendation”, BSc Current Technology Position Paper, 2015

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

  • R Benito, “Evaluation of the viability of implementing a Wildlife Management Unit in the La Joya watershed in Querétaro, México”, Master of Integrated Watershed Management, 2011-

Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca

Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

Universidade Nove de Julho

  • P Felisoni, “Proposal of a model for measuring digital transformation in public companies”, PhD thesis, 2022-

  • F Martins, E Santos & L Vils (2017), “Organizational creativity in innovation – a multicriteria decision analysis”, Independent Journal of Management & Production8, 1223-45

  • F Martins, R Vanalle & W Lucato, “Coffee cooperatives’ operation management: relevant factors for production diversification”, 24th Annual POMS (Productions & Operations Management Society) Conference, Denver, USA, 2013

Université Catholique de Louvain

  • L Enthoven et al, “Analysis of causes and possible solutions to flood problems in Grez-Doiceau (Belgium)”, Masters, Environmental Sciences & Technologies, 2014-

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1

Université Laval

Université Paris-Sud

  • N Martelli, “Introduction of innovative medical devices at French university hospitals: an overview of hospital-based health technology assessment initiatives and development of a decision support tool”, PhD thesis, 2013-15

Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah

Universiti Teknologi Petronas

Universiti Utara Malaysia

University College London

University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden

University Hospital of Northern Norway

  • V Rypdal, H Brunner, B Feldman et al (2025), “Physician's global assessment of disease activity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: consensus-based recommendations from an international task force”, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, early online version

    In collaboration with:
    UIT the Arctic University of Norway

  • V Rypdal, B Gottlieb, A Aggarwal et al (2024), “Toward the development of consensus-based guidelines for scoring the physician global assessment of disease activity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis”, abstract, EULAR 2024 European Congress of Rheumatology, Vienna, Austria, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 83(suppl 1), 224

    In collaboration with:
    Alberta Children’s Hospital, Association Pour Les Enfants Atteints D’arthrite Juvenile Idiopathique (KOURIR), British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Charles University, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cohen Children's Medical Center, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda-Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Helsinki University Hospital, Hospital for Special Surgery, IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesu’, Royal Children’s Hospital, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Sao Paulo State University, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (SJIA) Foundation, The Hospital for Sick Children, The Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, University of Nis, University of Oulu, Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

University Medical Centre Utrecht

University of Alabama

University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • L Jackson, “Barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination in patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases”, Masters thesis, 2022-24

  • J Merlin “Development of an algorithm for aberrant opioid-related behaviors using a Delphi Study”, PhD thesis, 2014-

University of Alberta

University of Algarve

University of Amsterdam

  • N van Ettekoven, “Student preferences when choosing work after study”, MSc (Econometrics) project, 2017

University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt

  • J Schvarczova, “A conjoint analysis into sustainable ski resorts”, Masters of Marketing Analytics thesis, 2018

University of British Columbia

University of California, Berkeley

  • T Schluchter & D Byler, “MeetMarket: Find your crowd”, Master’s Final Project, Master of Information Management and Systems, 2011

University of California, Los Angeles

  • W Sun, Business Creation Option Capstone Project, UCLA Anderson FEMBA Program, 2020

University of Dayton

University of Delhi

  • S Jaiswal, “Customizing a restaurant’s menu card using conjoint analysis”, MSc (Operational Research) project, 2020

University of Duisburg-Essen

  • R Bruckdorfer, “Lay theories about food products for children”, PhD (Economic/Consumer Psychology) thesis, 2018-

University of Economics in Bratislava

  • M Risko, “A comparison of the PAPRIKA method with other MCDM methods and software tools”, Master of Business Informatics project, 2012-

University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

  • S Rupprecht , “Concept creation for a smartphone app to support decision making in engineering design”, MSc (Industrial Engineering and Management) thesis, 2016

    In collaboration with:
    École Centrale Paris

University of Exeter

  • D McNeil, “Valuing ecosystem services on the Isles of Scilly”, PhD thesis, 2016-

University of Genova

University of Groningen

  • J Pauw, “The dynamics of customer-chatbot engagement: personalization, communication channels, and data trade-offs”, MSc thesis, 2023

University of Hawaiʻi – West Oʻahu

  • J Levy, L Henobio & P Hansen, “Advances in decision analysis for the blue-green economy with 1000minds”, 8th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (RTCSE) and 1st International Conference on Blue Green Technologies, University of Hawai’i-Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 2023

  • J Levy, L Henobio & P Hansen, “Improving opportunities for indigenous innovation in the cleantech field with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis”, Honolulu Geospatial Expo 2022, Honolulu, USA, 2022

  • J Levy, L Henobio & P Hansen, “Evaluating cleantech alternatives for green energy”, Honolulu Geospatial Expo 2022, Honolulu, USA, 2022

University of Johannesburg

  • J Agwa-Ejon & A Pradhan, “Application of MCDM in the selection of travel agents for universities”, 28th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology, Mumbia, India, 2019

  • J Agwa-Ejon, “Multiple perspective and hierarchical decision modelling assessment of solar and microwave energy technologies for sandstone artisanal mining and processing in Qwaqwa (Free State, South Africa)”, research project, 2016

University of Jyväskylä

University of Leeds

University of Liechtenstein

  • V Schütz, “Influence of attributes on the wine purchase decision online: A conjoint analysis”, MSc (Entrepreneurship) thesis, 2020

University of Lisbon

  • B Domingos, “Valuation of locations for logistics hubs of Angolan nationwide network to improve geographic efficiency and equity”, PhD thesis (Engineering and Management), 2015-

University of Lyon

University of Manchester

  • G Wright, MSc (Reliability Engineering & Asset Management) project, 2018

University of Massachusetts

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

  • R Rizvi, “Diagnostic Clinical Decision Models (DCDMs) – An aid to clinical diagnoses”, M.D, M.S, 2013

University of Monastir

University of Montpellier

University of Naples

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  • J Ghorbani, “Risk ranking of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural watersheds and their impact on public health”, PhD (Food Science), thesis, 2022-

University of New South Wales

  • M Baquiran, T De Silva, D Kim, A Pati & E Tan, “Conjoint analysis project into pricing recommendation for non-profit coffee supplier”, Consulting project, 2019

    In collaboration with:
    180 Degrees Consulting – University of New South Wales

  • L Corkery, P Osmond, J Blair & S Ahrestani, “Integrating vegetative systems on buildings to help achieve Sustainable Sydney 2030 targets and address climate change adaptation: A pilot project with the City of Sydney”, research project, 2011-12

    In collaboration with:
    City of Sydney Council

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • C Pursley, “Grow Garden Center: Marketing analysis and plan”, MBA Marketing project, 2020

  • A Winnie, “Impact of transparency and property novelty on Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) attractiveness”, MBA project, 2020

  • K Medeiros, “Marketing and analysis plan”, MBA project, 2019 

University of Nottingham

University of Novi Sad

University of Oulu

  • N Keränen, “Health technology assessment of early digital health technologies in a co-creation process”, CoHeWe research project, 2019-20

    In collaboration with:
    CoHeWe (Co-Created Health and Wellbeing)

University of Oxford

  • W Richards, “Green sheep or prudent investors? The effect of pluralistic ignorance on retail Investors’ decision-making”, MSc (Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment) thesis, 2023

  • I Howell, A discrete choice experiment to analyse people’s thresholds for taking oral steroids for an asthma attack in exchange for the risk of side effects, PhD project, 2022-

University of Padua

  • C Gagliardi, “Ecosan technologies”, Environmental Impact Assessment project, MSc Environmental Engineering, 2016

  • S Pinchetti, “Comparison of source-separation and conventional sanitation systems using MCA”, 2016

  • N Martinello, “Appropriate resource-oriented sanitation systems for small isolated Italian communities”, PhD (Environmental Engineering) thesis, 2015-

University of Parma

  • E Maiolani, “The effects of packaging on perceived healthiness: survey in the category of biscuits”, Masters (Marketing) thesis, 2020-21

University of Pavia

University of Sheffield

  • C Mukuria, T Sullivan, F Ombler, T Peasgood & P Hansen, “A feasibility study of applying PAPRIKA to the EQ-HWB”, EuroQoL project, 2022-

    In collaboration with:
    University of Melbourne, University of Otago

  • P Schneider, “OPUF vs PAPRIKA – a comparative evaluation of personal health preference elicitation methods”, PhD (Health Economics) thesis 2021-

University of South Africa

University of Southampton

  • E Khaleva, C Brightling, T Eiwegger et al (2024), “Patient-centred composite scores as tools for assesment of response to biological therapy for paediatric and adult severe asthma”, European Respiratory Journal, early online version

    In collaboration with:
    3TR Respiratory Working Group, Adept Biologica Consulting Limited, AstraZeneca, Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Bispebjerg Hospital, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations, European Lung Foundation, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Düsseldorf, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, Germany, Ghent University, Goethe University, Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, Imperial College London, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Karolinska Institute, King’s College London, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Marmara University, McMaster University, Medical Centre Leeuwarden, Monash University, Nagoya City University, Queen's University Belfast, Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, Singapore General Hospital, Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Tartu University Hospital, University and Polytechnic La Fe Hospital, University Children's Hospital Zurich, University Medical Centre Rotterdam, University of Amsterdam, University of Athens, University of Bern, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Exeter, University of Glasgow, University of Groningen, University of Helsinki, University of Leicester, University of Manchester, University of Montpellier, University of Queensland, University of South Florida, Western Sydney University, Zhejiang University

  • A Brock, I Williams & S Kemp (2023), “’I'll take the easiest option please’. Carbon reduction preferences of the public”, Journal of Cleaner Production 429, 139398

  • X Pierron (2019), “Contributing to the circular economy by applying behavioural economics for distinct urban mines exploitation: a mobile and smart phone case study among UK university students”, PhD (Engineering and the Environment) thesis, 2015-19

University of Southern Denmark

  • R H Andersen, “Evaluation of state-of-the-art interfaces for flexible robots – A usability study”, PhD project, 2015

    In collaboration with:
    Danish Technological Institute

  • L Dalgaard, “Rational system-level design methodology for autonomous robotic systems”, PhD (Computer Science) thesis, 2011 (video clip in Danish)

    In collaboration with:
    Danish Technological Institute

University of Strathclyde

  • T Kujawa, “Is multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) software effective in improving unaided decisions in a personal context? A comparative study through postgraduate degree choice”, BA dissertation, 2022

University of Sussex

  • S Babashahi, P Hansen, R Peeters & T Sullivan (2021), “A comparative study to evaluate the robustness of two prominent MCDA methods”, 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 2021, Seoul, South Korea

University of Tasmania

  • P Boyd, “The utility of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to evaluate the relative merits of a wide range of negative emissions technologies”, Negative Emissions Conference: Integrating Industry, Technology and Society for Carbon Drawdown, Canberra, Australia, 2018

University of Tehran

University of the Arts London

  • K Darcy, Masters thesis project, 2019-20

University of Verona

  • L Luzi Crivellini, “The ERAQ – Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Questionnaire: the process of formulating a questionnaire for general practitioners intended for the rapid referral of patients with very early arthritis to the competent clinic”, Masters thesis, 2019-20

University of Warwick

University of Washington

University of Western Ontario

  • A Abuhussein, “Wastewater refining for agriculture and city-level water decision-making”, PhD (Civil and Environmental Engineering), 2016-

  • J Pope & S Johnson (2015), “New classification criteria for systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)”, Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America 41, 383-98

    In collaboration with:
    University of Toronto

University of Zagreb

  • N Kadoić, N Begičević Ređep & B Divjak, “Structuring e-learning multi-criteria decision making problems”, 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics, Opatija, Croatia, 2017

  • B Divjak, N Kadoić and colleagues, “Development of a methodological framework for strategic decision-making in higher education – a case of open and distance learning (ODL) implementation”, 2015

  • A Kramo, “Customers’ pricing decisions and future profit planning”, MBA, 2009

University of Žilina

Utrecht University

Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka


Varna University of Management

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

VERN' University of Applied Sciences

  • M Vilajtović, “Software tools for decision making”, Master of IT Management project, 2015

Verona University Hospital

Victoria University of Wellington

Villanova University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Tech

  • Y Shahtaheri, “A decision-support system for multi-hazard resilient and sustainable buildings”, PhD (Construction Engineering and Management) thesis, 2016-

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • E Molz, “Evaluating biodiversity impact assessment approaches for financial investments in listed companies”, MSc (Environment and Resource Management) project, 2022

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland


Wageningen University & Research

Waikato District Health Board

  • D White, K Solanki, V Quincey et al (2015), “Development of a multi-dimensional additive points system for determining access to rheumatology services”, Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 21, 239-43

  • D White, R Naden, A Doube et al (2014), “Development of a referral triage system for determining access to a public hospital rheumatology service”, ARA Scientific Posters, Australian Rheumatology Association-Rheumatology Health Professionals Association 55th Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart, Australia, Internal Medicine Journal 44(suppl S2), 10-37

Waikato Hospital

Weber Foundation

  • M Zozaya González, R Villoro, F Abdalla et al (2022), “Unmet needs in the management of moderate-to-severe psoriasis in Spain: A multidimensional evaluation”, Acta Dermato-Venereologica 102, 1-9

    In collaboration with:
    Andalusian Public Health School (EASP), Ferrol University Hospital Complex, Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Patient and Family Association, Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH), Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, University Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, University of Malaga

Wheaton College


XLRI – Xavier School of Management

  • R Sheel, “Decision-making choices among academicians in selecting an academic conference to attend”, research project, 2015


Yarmouk University

  • A Sawalmeh, “The impact of incorporating uncertainty into the decision-making process on decision-making satisfaction”, MSc (Management Information Systems) graduation project, 2015

Yasuda Women’s University

  • J Romão, P Seal, P Hansen, S Joseph & S Piramanayagam (2022), “Stakeholder-based conjoint analysis for branding wellness tourism in Kerala, India”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science 6, 91-111

    In collaboration with:
    Govinda Pai Memorial Government College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, University of Otago

  • J Romão, P Seal, P Hansen, S Joseph & S Piramanayagam, “Co-creating a destination branding strategy for wellness tourism in Kerala”, The 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI, Regional Science Association International, 2021, Kōchi, Japan

    In collaboration with:
    Govinda Pai Memorial Government College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, University of Otago


Zeppelin University

  • F Grünewald, “Consumer willingness to pay for sustainable packaging”, BA in Sociology, Politics and Economics thesis, 2018

  • A Müller, “Sustainable marketing: impact of different brand positioning strategies on customers’ buying behavior exemplified by a fictitious fashion brand”, BA Communication, Culture & Management thesis, 2017

Zhejiang Gongshang University

Zhejiang University

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)

  • M Rüger, “Entwicklung eines Serviceangebots zur Reduzierung des Versorgungsrisikos für medizinisches Verbrauchsmaterial” (Development of a service to reduce the supply risk for medical consumables), Master of Advanced Studies in Business Analysis thesis, 2020-21

  • J Schaad, B Hindelang, F Huber, C Spycher & N Metzger, “A conjoint analysis into the sustainability of tourist destinations in the Swiss Alps”, project, 2016

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